“We are a small charity based in Brighton & Hove which offers free creative writing projects to children in and out of schools, with a focus on those who are most in need. Thanks to the support of sponsor SelfishMother.com, this summer we were given the opportunity to host a week-long pop-up creative centre at a Brighton gallery.

The aim was to run workshops with up to 150 children through the week as well as showcasing our work to the general public and raising awareness of what we do.

Designers Sherlock created a fantastic look and feel for the space which was based largely on the creative use of vinyls to transform the venue, and we were absolutely delighted when Reade Signs stepped in and agreed to provide these pro bono. We had tonnes of feedback on how fantastic it looked and are extremely grateful to all at Reade for making our pop up really stand out.

Hugs thanks from all the team at Little Green Pig!”